I never went hiking in my life before. It sounded like a tedious activity for people that liked getting bit by bugs. But when a close friend invited me to a hiking adventure one weekend some years ago, I got curious.
Being a fan of walking along the beach, I thought maybe this could be a similar adventure. Maybe if I had an audible book to listen to and take pictures along the way, the experience may be one to share in my biography some day. So with that perfect vision in mind, my excited self went off to the location that Sunday.
Mistake #1 — I wore jeans. It got heavy and uncomfortable quick.
We were walking for what seemed like hours but I was panting from the first minute. It was nothing like what I expected. My vision was blurry from the sweat dripping down my forehead. The last thing that occurred to me was capturing the moment with a picture. I wanted to head backwards. But I told myself…You can’t quit.
Mistake # 2 — I didn’t know how long the trail was.
Just as I was praying that we reached the end, my eyes found a sign that said -Difficult trail ahead.
That sign broke me.
There is more? And it is difficult?
So it was supposed to be easy until this point?
Mistake # 3 — I didn’t believe the sign.
The trail got ridiculous. There was a point where the trail had a 90 degree vertical climb. How is this trail open to the public without an EMT?
A surge of anger helped me climb that last hill. I managed to finish the trail wiping my tears and yelling at my friend who invited me.
I am still waiting for his apology for that adventure.
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